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Welcome, Tenno!

On this website you can find a very huge and awesome collection of pets: kavats and kubrows created and brought together by Infernal Snail!

Currently there are "933"

different kavats and "8" vulpaphylas in the collection.

[Last Update: July 3rd, 2024]
Added : "145" New Kavats.

Full list of updates you can find right here:                                                       (Sorted by dates)
Near each update you`ll find a link to imgur, where you can check actual kavats that where added.

For more information check out special sections of the website or just contact me :)



1) Do you accept only platinum as payment?

- Yes. Atm I don`t accept any rivens/frames or etc as payment, only platinum. BUT! All my kavats are also available for trade on double/triple rare lotus kubrows or other kavats that I don`t own yet. To get my full wtb-list, message me in discord.

2) How can I buy a kavat from you?

- Just go to "Contacts" section and message me in discord. 

P.S. If you want to buy smth, pls send me number of the kavat for easier communication (or a screenshot which is also fine).

3) Do you have any discounts?

- Yes, I doDiscount available if you buy multiple kavats or kubrows in one trade.

For kavats:  - 5% for 3 kavats or - 10% for 4 or more kavats.
For kubrows: 
- 5% for 2 kubrows or - 10% for 3 or more kubrows.

4) What graphic settings are you using?

- You can check them out by clicking on that >link< 

5) I couldn`t find a kavat I wanted, do you have any others?

- This webpage will be updated asap when I get new pets in my collection but in case you don`t want to hope and wait for your "dream" kavat to appear here, you can just use "Custom Kavats Service".

Have any other quesions? Go ahead and contact me :)


First of all, we still have this bugged Vasca's Fur
(for more than a year already) 

Left picture - old, right picture - new ->

We are expecting a fix SOON.

Second problem - new graphics changes, which cause Executoner Grey, Dragonlily Pink and Anti-Moa Purple look exactly the same.


So because of that I suggest buying kavats with these colors only from trustworthy people or from those who can actually check and confirm these colors.
(All possible methods can be found in guides section)



Executioner Grey

Dragonlily Pink

Anti-Moa Purple

update: July 3rd,2024


© InfernalSnail69

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