Infernal Snail`s Pet Shop
Infernal Snail`s Pet Shop
For general information, please, consider visiting warframe-wiki.
I`ll post info that will only be helpful for breeding these pets.
Vulpaphylas have their own "narural" traits that you can get when firstly create your pet from weakened subspecies. If you want to pass it to other type of vulpa - then you have to breed foxes with needed traits. Chance of passing any trait if mixing different ones remains the same as it was in kubrow/kavat`s breeding: 50/50%
Example: Sly Head + Crescent Head = 50/50% on each head
Sly Vulpaphyla
Default Sly Head + Body Colors + Energy
Natural Sly Vulpas don`t have any standing out horns on their heads.
Energy color is Dark Pink (I personally call it like that).
Crescent Vulpaphyla
Default Crescent Head + Body Colors + Energy
Natural Crescent Vulpas have two horns on top of their heads.
Energy color is Lilac.
Panzer Vulpaphyla
Default Panzer Head + Body Colors + Energy
Natural Panzer Vulpas have two horns on their chin.
Energy color is Orange.
How to get 4/4 pet? (with all 4 mutagens and all 4 antigens)
Here is a little schematic for breeding 4/4 pets:
Deimos Pet`s Guide